A Commentary to From the Book of Night I (1990) by Marek Stachowski Cover Image

Glossa do Z księgi nocy I (1990) Marka Stachowskiego
A Commentary to From the Book of Night I (1990) by Marek Stachowski

Author(s): Marcin Trzęsiok
Subject(s): Music
Published by: Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie im. Krzysztofa Pendereckiego
Keywords: Marek Stachowski; From the Book of Night I; musica coelestis; harmony

Summary/Abstract: The article presents a formal and hermeneutic analysis of Marek Stachowski’s From the Book of Night I. The former deals with four interconnected aspects of the work’s function: tonal centres, modalities, chord typology, and the use of the twelve-tone harmony. The main result of the inquiry is the defining of the macroform marked by the nodal points based on two opposite tonal centres (C and B), and their dominants (G and F-sharp). This structure correlates with the hermeneutic aspect of an allusion to Richard Strauss’ Also sprach Zarathustra. Another hermeneutic notion is the topos of musica coelestis, initiated in the second part of the work by a group of metallophones, connected with the motto, taken from a poem of Rainer M. Rilke (translated by Babette Deutsch): “Now the hour bows down, it touches me, throbs/metallic, lucid and bold:/my senses are trembling”.

  • Issue Year: VII/2018
  • Issue No: 13
  • Page Range: 67-79
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Polish
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