Professional value - condition of professional satisfaction of medical workers Cover Image

Valoarea profesiei – condiție a satisfacției profesionale a lucrătorilor medicali
Professional value - condition of professional satisfaction of medical workers

Author(s): Svetlana Rusnac, Filip Dreglea
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: Universitatea Liberă Internațională din Moldova
Keywords: professional satisfaction; work satisfaction; the value of the profession; real image; ideal image;

Summary/Abstract: The search presented in this article comes from the need to appreciate theprofessional values of contemporary physicians in relation to eternal moral values, which seem todesignate an ideal image of the medical worker. It is commonly mentioned, both in the field ofmedical specialists and in the patients, but also in the whole society, that physicians can not highlyappreciate their specialty, since they are not socially appreciated, including by offering decentwages , are not professionally satisfied and do not have well-being in all its manifestations. In thispaper we have tried to examine this issue from another angle: the value offered to the profession isdirectly proportional to the satisfaction of professional activity, conditioning emotional, social wellbeing, all that characterizes well-being. In a survey carried out on a sample of 72 medical workers,two hypotheses were verified: the actual and ideal image of the medical worker differs; the value ofthe profession and attitudes towards medical activity correlate positively with work / professionalsatisfaction. Research results could be significant for future research to determine other importantfactors, that affects medicine employee satisfaction. Identifying factors that affect the quality ofhealth services should serve as a basis for their timely management.

  • Issue Year: 1/2018
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 215-225
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Romanian
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