China and the Balkans: Perception and Reception in the World and Local Media Cover Image

Китай и Балканите: перцепция и рецепция в световните и местните медии
China and the Balkans: Perception and Reception in the World and Local Media

Author(s): Ivelina Vatova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
Published by: Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”
Keywords: Win-win strategy; The Balkan Silk Road; media; communication modelling; interconnectivity; infrastructure; investment; politics

Summary/Abstract: For centuries the Balkans have been considered to be ‘Europe’s naughtyboys’, with a specific economic and political face missing, always conflicting in between, geographically positioned between Turkey, the Orient, i.e. Asia, and Austria, Germany,France and Britain, the Occident, i.e.Europe, and historically linked to Russia. This idiosyncrasyforced the Great Powers to keep an eye on the peninsula. Recently China has declaredto be a serious investor, through the Balkan Silk Road, part of the 16+1 Initiative as asection of its One Bell, One Road geostrategic megaproject. The research I am presenting inthis paper is focused on the contents analysis of leading world and local media. Thus, I amconstructing a holistic communication model of dynamic complex transformations andtracing out how the Balkans from a ‘backyard of Europe’ are converting into an important communication channel.

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