Bibliometric Analysis of Dissertation Research on Intellectual Property Rights
in Ukraine Cover Image

Бібліометричний аналіз дисертаційних досліджень з права інтелектуальної власності в Україні
Bibliometric Analysis of Dissertation Research on Intellectual Property Rights in Ukraine

Author(s): Maiia Ivanova, Yurii Ivanov
Subject(s): Library and Information Science, Methodology and research technology
Published by: Altezoro, s. r. o. & Dialog
Keywords: intellectual property right; bibliometry; document flow; library;

Summary/Abstract: Modern society is characterized by the widespread distribution of objects of intellectual property rights. The article analyzes the state of dissertation research on intellectual property issues which has been conducted in Ukraine since the time of proclamation of its independence and to the present days. The topicality of the study is due to the fact that the results of intellectual activity determine the strategy and tactics of socio-economic development of any country. The components of intellectual activity are the intellectual capital, embodied in the form of experience, knowledge, skills, qualification of a person. The growth of the role and importance of intellectual activity in the social relations of the society necessitates the solution of the main problem issues: the normative and legal support of intellectual activity; rational use of the results of intellectual activity; effective protection of objects of intellectual property rights, protecting the rights of subjects of intellectual property rights. Reliable guarantees of acquiring and protecting intellectual property rights are an integral part of the statehood of each civilized country. One of the sources of highlighting the study of any case is the provision of conclusions and recommendations for solving problem issues, dissertation researches. The article analyzes the quantitative distribution of dissertation research on intellectual property issues according to scientific specialties, scientific institutions, in which they were defended. It was found out that the proportion of dissertation research on intellectual property problems in legal sciences is 77 %, in economic sciences, respectively, 19 %, in other sciences - 4 %. Among legal sciences, 60 % of scientific theses have been defended on specialty 12.00.03; respectively, 19 % - on specialty 12.00.07; 6.8 % - on specialty 12.00.04; 5 % - on specialty 12.00.08; 3.6 % - on specialty 12.00.09; 2.2 % - on specialty 12.00.01; 1.8 % - on specialty 12.00.11; 0.4 % - on specialty 12.00.02; 0.4 % - on specialty 12.00.05; 0.4 % - on specialty 12.00.12. Among the dissertation research in the economic field of intellectual property rights, the work on specialty 08.00.04 was the most defended - 32.7 %; respectively, on specialty 08.00.01 - 21.8 %; on specialty 08.00.03 - 12.8 %; on specialty 08.00.02 - 7.3 %; on specialty 08.00.09 - 7.3 %; on specialty 08.01.01 - 5.5 %; on specialty 08.00.07 - 3.6 %; on specialty 08.00.08 - 3,6 %; on specialty 08.05.01 - 3.6 %; on specialty 21.04.01 - 1.8 %.

  • Issue Year: 5/2019
  • Issue No: 06
  • Page Range: 2001-2016
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Ukrainian
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