Some observations on the Italian translation of the proverbs collected by Iuliu A. Zanne Cover Image

Câteva observații privind versiunea italiană a proverbelor adunate de Iuliu A. Zanne
Some observations on the Italian translation of the proverbs collected by Iuliu A. Zanne

Author(s): Alessandro Zuliani
Subject(s): Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Translation Studies
Published by: Editura U. T. Press
Keywords: proverbs; Iuliu Zanne; paremiology; traductology; idioms;

Summary/Abstract: The paper aims to analyze the origin and importance of the collection Proverbele Românilor din România, Basarabia, Bucovina, Ungaria, Istria și Macedonia by Iuliu A. Zanne, monument of Romanian paremiology. The reader is also offered the translation in Italian of a series of paroemias taken from the first volume of the collection, accompanied by a commentary on the meaning of the individual proverbs and taking as well into account their main syntagmatic variants.

  • Issue Year: XXVIII/2019
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 483-502
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Romanian, Italian
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