The Oeuvre of Milica Miron. Children’s Plays Based on Folklore Cover Image

Књижевно стваралаштво Милице Мирон. Драмски текстови за дјецу на фолклорној основи
The Oeuvre of Milica Miron. Children’s Plays Based on Folklore

Author(s): Andreja Ž. Marić
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци
Keywords: Milica Miron; literature for children; folklore; drama; fairytale;

Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the oeuvre of Milica Miron, a neglected author of Slovenian origin from Sarajevo. We pay attention to details from her biography, shedding light on some aspects of her life and creative path. Central to this analysis are her pieces of children’s literature – poetry, fiction, riddles, and plays in particular. Also, she showed great interest in folklore, which she incorporated in her plays. Therefore, two of her plays are analysed in detail, with a view to understanding to what extent she remodeled original fairy tales and motifs she found in both national and international folk tradition.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 13
  • Page Range: 306-324
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Serbian
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