Evolution of Models of Diffusion of Innovations as an Identification of the Innovation Culture’s Transformation Cover Image

Еволюція моделей поширення інновацій як свідчення трансформації інноваційної культури
Evolution of Models of Diffusion of Innovations as an Identification of the Innovation Culture’s Transformation

Author(s): Kateryna Mykhaylivna Kyrylenko
Subject(s): Social Philosophy, Culture and social structure , Social development, Sociology of Culture
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: diffusion of innovations; linear model of distribution of innovations; system model of distribution of innovations; innovative culture;

Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to study the evolution of models of the diffusion of innovations from linear to systemic in the context of the transformation of the notion of innovative culture, the influence of the system model of diffusion of innovations on the formation of innovation culture as the newest cultural form. The methodological basis of the study is grounded on the use of methods of comparative and system analysis, cross-interaction of economic and cultural-philosophical approaches. The scientific novelty of the study is to compare the models of innovation development with the stages of evolution of the concept of innovation culture in the scientific discourse. Conclusions. Economic models of innovation development substantiate the transformation of innovation culture from understanding it as a person's characteristics related to its personal and professional formation, to the interpretation of innovation culture as characteristics and forms of modern culture. The subject of further study of scientists should be the differentiation of innovation culture as characteristics of modern culture and cultural form, studying the evolution of these concepts and their impact on the economic development of the present.

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