The Factor of Fiqh Sect on Interpreting the Legal Verses: Examples of al-Jassās, Ebū Bekr Ibn al-‘Arabı̄ and Kiyā al-Harrāsı̄ Cover Image

Ahkâm Ayetlerini Yorumlamada Fıkhî Mezhep Faktörü: Cessâs, Ebû Bekr İbnü’l-Arabî ve Kiyâ el-Herrâsî Örneklemleri
The Factor of Fiqh Sect on Interpreting the Legal Verses: Examples of al-Jassās, Ebū Bekr Ibn al-‘Arabı̄ and Kiyā al-Harrāsı̄

Author(s): İlyas Yıldırım
Subject(s): Islam studies, Sharia Law
Published by: Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi
Keywords: Islamic Law; Fiqh Sects; the Legal Verses; al-Jassās; Ibn al-‘Arabı̄ ; al-Harrāsī;

Summary/Abstract: The Quranic verses have a wide range of topics. They are sometimes revealed directly and do not need interpretation, but sometimes they lack clarity. This makes it necessary for the person dealing with the verse to have a certain method and knowledge to understand the text correctly. Therefore, the person’s perspective will affect the process of understanding and interpreting the text. Hence, when we examine the verses that put forward a provision, it is seen that they are limited and regulating some areas. In addition, they have a style that can be interpreted in different ways. This provides a broad interpretation area for the scribes, who try to understand the verses. On the other hand, the element of accountability is important in interpreting a verse. In this tension, the legal verses subjected to various interpretations by the scribes. These scholars, who try to make judgments from the verses, carry out this process under various factors. One of these factors may be the practical sect that is followed. This article focuses on this aspect of the issue through three faqīh-mufassīr who have the first legal exegesis of Quran, but belong to different sects. Thus, it is possible to obtain an idea about the extent of the existing effect.

  • Issue Year: 5/2019
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 623 - 653
  • Page Count: 31
  • Language: Turkish
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