Challenging the Self in Slovak
Experimental Poetry. Attempts at Reducing and Negating the Lyric Self in Poetry by Peter Macsovszky and Michal Habaj Cover Image

Problematizácia subjektu v slovenskej experimentálnej poézii. Pokusy o redukciu a negáciu lyrického subjektu v poézii Petra Macsovszkého a Michala Habaja
Challenging the Self in Slovak Experimental Poetry. Attempts at Reducing and Negating the Lyric Self in Poetry by Peter Macsovszky and Michal Habaj

Author(s): Zuzana Cepková Feješová
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV
Keywords: constructivism ; subject ; Peter Macsovszky ; Michal Habaj ; Siegfried Schmidt ;

Summary/Abstract: The main problem investigated by the paper is the self in literature and its constructability. The research materials include selected works of Slovak poetry and the methodological background is provided by social constructivism of the German literary scientist and theoretician of communication Siegfried Schmidt. The paper focuses on the self in the processes of forming and receiving works by two Slovak contemporary experimental authors, Peter Macsovszky and Michal Habaj. It seems that their innovative and subversive strategies correspond to a certain degree with antirealistic assumptions of Schmidt´s methodology. A significant part of the experiments is played by challenging the category of the self, which is presented as a grammatical illusion, a linguistic game or virtual fiction. Reading of the texts suggests that the inner-textual self of a literary work created in a text interpretation is not always a sufficient category. In some cases it will be beneficial to look over the text, incorporate a literary phenomenon in the system of literature and a particular social and historical context and subsequently observe the behaviour of the actants who are involved in constructing the phenomena. This step makes it possible to examine the strategies which raise questions and verify the terminology of literary science.

  • Issue Year: 66/2019
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 441-462
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Slovak
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