Hoard of Tetradrachms of the Huși-Vovriești Type from Štitáre-Žibrica in the Context of the Settlement of the Region in the La Tène Period Cover Image

Hromadný nález tetradrachiem typu Huşi-Vovrieşti zo Štitár-Žibrice v kontexte osídlenia regiónu v dobe laténskej
Hoard of Tetradrachms of the Huși-Vovriești Type from Štitáre-Žibrica in the Context of the Settlement of the Region in the La Tène Period

Author(s): Gertrúda Březinová, Marek Budaj
Subject(s): Archaeology, Economic history, Local History / Microhistory, Ancient World
Published by: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Filozofická fakulta
Keywords: Hoard; tetradrachms of Huși-Vovriești type; Moldavia; the 3rd to the first half of the 2nd century BC; Nitra and Žitava river basins;

Summary/Abstract: The article deals with the find of coins of the tetradrachm type Huși-Vovriești. It discusses also the settlement of the mountainous and sub-mountainous area of the Nitra and Žitava river basins in the La Tène period. Emphasis is placed on the information value of the find and the function of the site where the coins were discovered in the Middle La Tène period. The article attempts to determine whether the location was a refuge or a sacrificial site. Attention is paid to contacts with the surrounding catchment area and the origin of the coins in Eastern Dacia and the territory of Moldavia.

  • Issue Year: 23/2019
  • Issue No: SUPPL.
  • Page Range: 339-350
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Slovak
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