Cultural Text Theory: an Unfinished Project Cover Image

Teoria tekstu kultury - niedokończony projekt
Cultural Text Theory: an Unfinished Project

Author(s): Maciej Maryl
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Ewa Szczęsna; Media Poetics; Cultural Text; Intersemiotics; Intermediality.

Summary/Abstract: Book review: Ewa Szczęsna, Poetyka mediów. Polisemiotyczność, digitalizacja, reklama [‘Media Poetics. Polysemioticity, Digitalisation, Advertising’], Warszawa 2007. The book under review is targeted at a wide group of addressees of cultural texts, providing them with instruments to describe new (and old) media phenomena. Having gathered the issues touched upon as part of major methodological discussions (mainly those held at the borderline of literary studies and anthropology), Ms. Szczęsna proposes a coherent network of notions, discusses definitions, examples and exemplifying analyses of varied material (mostly, advertising matter), well known to readers of her previous book Poetyka reklamy [‘The poetics of advertising’]. A more advanced reader will in turn read Poetyka mediów as a suggestion of putting in an order of certain issues at the borderline of literary theory, media studies and visual anthropology. Particularly in the last chapters of her book, Ms. Szczęsna endeavours to open new issues, ask questions and direct the recipient’s further search. A project of a theory of cultural text is thus proposed: non-conclusive as it is, it leaves room for extensions and corrections.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 103-110
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Polish
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