Some remarks on present-day phraseography in german Cover Image

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Some remarks on present-day phraseography in german

Author(s): Kateřina Šichová, Martin Šemelík
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Phraseology
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Filozofická fakulta, Vydavatelství
Keywords: German; Czech; phraseology; phraseography; dictionary entry;

Summary/Abstract: Among linguists there is a lively interest in phraseology, which is still a relatively young branch oflinguistics. However, its basic descriptive application, phraseography, whose task is to collect anddescribe phraseological expressions of a given language, is still a rather neglected area, at least interms of integrating theory into practice. The paper reports on two relatively modern phraseologicaldictionaries of German and takes up the question of their user-friendliness. It examines the notionof phraseme in these dictionaries against the background of František Čermák’s conception ofphraseology. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that both dictionaries are in need of substantial improvementsif they are to become really effective tools for resolving language problems, which is the essentialfunction of every dictionary. Nonetheless, some of the special features of Deutsche Idiomatik by HansSchemann deserve recognition and make the dictionary exceptional. For this reason, the papervoices the need for a discussion of Schemann’s phraseographical works in Czech linguistics, or, moreprecisely, in Czech phraseography. In addition, the paper comments on DUDEN 11: Redewendungen.Wörterbuch der deutschen Idiomatik which is probably the most popular German dictionary of this type.

  • Issue Year: 98/2016
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 241-253
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Czech
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