Ethical Considerations Regarding Renaming ofurbanonyms Caused by De-communization (on the Example ofZielona Góra Names) Cover Image

Względy etyczne dotyczące przemianowań urbanonimów spowodowanych dekomunizacją (na przykładzie zielonogórskich nazw)
Ethical Considerations Regarding Renaming ofurbanonyms Caused by De-communization (on the Example ofZielona Góra Names)

Author(s): Iwona Żuraszek-Ryś
Subject(s): Philosophy, Ethics / Practical Philosophy
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: urbanonyms; de-communization; ethical considerations; truth and falsehood

Summary/Abstract: This article deals with ethical considerations accompanying the reorganization of urbanonyms in the context of de-communization. It is focused on several issues, in particular concerning the justification of changes in the names of streets and squares, as well as the treatment of onyms as carriers of values that could serve the authority and its propagation. Attention was also paid to the participation of the local community in removing unwanted communist symbols. Based on the observations made, it was established that the violation of ethical norms concerns: disregarding the opinions of local communities, especially residents of a given street, regarding the change of name and the use of its privileged position by the authority, the imposition of a particular worldview and value system, and the use of untrue arguments.

  • Issue Year: 67/2019
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 173-184
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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