Wartości witalne jako nośniki wrażliwości duchowej uczniów w młodszym wieku szkolnym w domenie: baśń
Vitality Values as a Carrier for Spiritual Sensitivity of Primary School Second- and Third-Graders in the Fairy Tale Domain
Author(s): Jolanta MACHOWSKA-GOCSubject(s): Preschool education, School education, Sociology of Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie
Keywords: vitality values; postmodernity; spiritual vitality; spiritual intelligence; spiritual sensitivity; wartości witalne; ponowoczesność; witalność duchowa; inteligencja duchowa; wrażliwość duchowa
Summary/Abstract: The article describes vitality values (health: illness, life: death, youth: old age) in the context ofthe linguistic representations of the world, axiology, and spiritual sensitivity, which offer usefultools for describing spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence determines and/or penetrates various domains of human life as cognitive and emotional and motivational spheres. This is reflectedin the paraliterary texts of primary school second- and third-graders which follow the fairytaleconvention.
Journal: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna
- Issue Year: 1/2019
- Issue No: 13
- Page Range: 133-141
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Polish