Tradition of so-called minority status and Constitutional Act no. 144/1968 Sb., on the position of national minorities Cover Image

Tradice tzv. národnostního statutu a ústavní zákon č. 144/1968 Sb. o postavení národností
Tradition of so-called minority status and Constitutional Act no. 144/1968 Sb., on the position of national minorities

Author(s): René Petráš
Subject(s): History
Published by: Spoločenskovedný ústav SAV, Slovenská akadémia vied
Keywords: History of Czechoslovakia; Rights of minorities; The sixties of the 20th century; State system; Constitutional law

Summary/Abstract: Legal regulation of the position of minorities has had a long and complex tradition in the Czech lands. In 1938, a so-called minority status was under preparation; it represented a systematic legal regulation of the position of ethnic and language minorities. After World War II, the rights of minorities were generally refused and no regulation in this respect existed. The political relief of 1968 brought in a new situation. A special commission was established to work on the federalization of the state and on the regulation of the rights of minorities. Both constitutional acts were passed on 27th October 1968, symbolically meeting the 50th anniversary of the Republic.

  • Issue Year: 16/2013
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 9-16
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Czech
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