Some Aspects of the Church Doctrine on the Spiritual Struggle based on St. John Cassian’s Work „The Conferences“ Cover Image

Някои аспекти от църковното учение за духовната борба въз основа на съчинението на св. Йоан Касиан Римлянин „Събеседвания с отците“
Some Aspects of the Church Doctrine on the Spiritual Struggle based on St. John Cassian’s Work „The Conferences“

Author(s): Stoyan Chilikov
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Biblical studies, Eastern Orthodoxy, History of Religion
Published by: Национално издателство за образование и наука „Аз-буки“
Keywords: John Cassian; Eucharist; ascetic; spiritual struggle; therapeutic spirituality

Summary/Abstract: The study focuses on some aspects of the church’s spiritual life, based on the work of St. John Cassian. “Conferences of the Desert Fathers”. The author seeks answers in the writings of the Reverend and the practice of the church about the emergence and overcoming of the confrontation of the Eucharist with asceticism and the Eucharistic spirituality with therapeutic spirituality. Тhe dependence of the ascetic views of Rev. St. John Cassian on Origen and Evagrius of Pontius, who prioritize the fight with passions, purifying the heart and contemplation of the life of the church was studied and analyzed in a discussion manner. For the purpose, were made parallels of the ideas of St. John Cassian’s work with the hymnographic texts of the liturgical tradition and other ascetic writings of the early Byzantine Fathers of the church. The text of the study raises the question of the existence of the therapeutic and eucharistic spirituality of the church separately from each other, as being extrinsic to the Orthodox church spirituality.

  • Issue Year: 28/2019
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 317-327
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Bulgarian
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