Ein unbekanntes Ölgemälde des siebenbürgischen Fürsten Gabriel Bethlen auf der Wartburg
An unknown oil-painting of the Transylvanian Prince Gabor Bethlen in the Wartburg
Author(s): Robert OffnerSubject(s): Cultural history
Published by: Arbeitskreis für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde
Keywords: Transylvania; Bethlen Gabor; Prince; portrait; painting; cultural history
Summary/Abstract: In the museum of the castle of Wartburg in Thuringia (Germania) can be found a collection of oil-paintings, representing portraits of saxonian rulers. Only one of these paintings doesn't show a representative of the Wettin dynasty, but the transylvanian Prince Gabriel (Gabor) Bethlen (born 1580, Prince 1613-1629). The author presents two hypothesis on the history of this up to date unknown portrait of Bethlen. Includes two pictures.
Journal: Zeitschrift für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde
- Issue Year: XXIX/2006
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 32-36
- Page Count: 5
- Language: German