Linguistic Study on the Expression of Possession in Romanian with a Special Look at Morphosyntax Cover Image

Studiu lingvistic asupra exprimării noţiunii de posesie în limba română (cu privire specială asupra morfosintaxei)
Linguistic Study on the Expression of Possession in Romanian with a Special Look at Morphosyntax

Author(s): Mihaela Secrieru
Subject(s): Morphology, Syntax
Published by: Editura Tracus Arte
Keywords: notion of possession; Romanian language; syntactical functions; unary structures; binary structures; ternary structures;

Summary/Abstract: This study exhaustively captures the expression of the notion of possession in Romanian. All levels of the language present structures of possession that is why we can assert that the language is intensely accessing the principle of the exhaustiveness of the means of expression of a semiotic notion. There are non syntactic structures in praesentia, such as some patronyms, then there are unary structures represented by the standard verb a avea (to have) and by the name derived rom. avere as well as the casual forms of the possessive pronoun, but the most productive are the binary structures, the structural binary combinations focusing on the invariant name – name, by name meaning here also all its substitutes. The ternary structures also have a considerable frequency in Romanian, some containing the idea of possession encrypted at the level of the depth structure. The study also reveals the syntactic function of the possessive syntagma. At the level of the syntax of structures expressing possession, all syntactical functions are accessed, but their type depends on the morphological nature of the term that expresses the possession and the term with which it concurs in the context.

  • Issue Year: XV/2019
  • Issue No: 1 (29)
  • Page Range: 137-149
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Romanian
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