Match Making According to the Old Polish Tradition, That is Attempts to Win a Lady's Hand in the Genre of Orations Transmitting. Receptive Relations Cover Image

Swaty po staropolsku, czyli starania o rękę panny w gatunek mów zamknięte. Relacje nadawczo-odbiorcze
Match Making According to the Old Polish Tradition, That is Attempts to Win a Lady's Hand in the Genre of Orations Transmitting. Receptive Relations

Author(s): Danuta Ostaszewska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: Genus demonstrativum; wedding oration; rhetorical convention; panegyric; genre scheme; transmitting receptive relations; illocution; intention; act of request; act of thanksgiving; Genus demonstrativum; mowa weselna; konwencja retoryczna; panegiryk

Summary/Abstract: This paper discusses the old Polish issue of orations, taking into account that qualifications that predestine this type of expressions to a variety of old Polish journalism. One must assume that oration was a remarkable genre of this functional variety in the epochs before the rise of journalism. It is extremely important to genologically characterise various types of orations that can be found in many levels of journalism. It is important for the presentation of the old Polish status of this variety of logosphere, and for the description of the evolution of the genres of contemporary journalism. The problems outlined in the paper show a certain type of wedding oration and they call for a thorough genelogical analysis. The texts reveal an interesting area of conventional journalism that should be studied. In order to provide a versatile description of such an important domain as conventionality of the ancient ages (it still calls for wider interests) it is essential to trace some details of how this heritage should be put in form.

  • Issue Year: 57/2009
  • Issue No: 06
  • Page Range: 177-188
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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