Is there a duty for rewarding interest on immaturity payments in cases of an executable debt before the term sets and is the same clause valid in a consumer credit contract? Cover Image

Дължима ли е възнаградителна лихва върху непадежирали вноски при настъпила предсрочна изискуемост на кредита и действителна ли е такава клауза в договор за потребителски кредит?
Is there a duty for rewarding interest on immaturity payments in cases of an executable debt before the term sets and is the same clause valid in a consumer credit contract?

Author(s): Petya Stoyanova
Subject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Институт за държавата и правото - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Rewarding interest; immaturity payments; an executable debt before the term sets; a consumer credit contract; insignificant clauses

Summary/Abstract: The report concerns the problem whether there is a duty for rewarding interest on immaturity payments in cases of an executable debt before the term sets and analyses the arguments supporting the second formed opinion in the practice. The issue of validity of the clause as regards the due amount of rewarding interest on immaturity payments in cases of an executable debt in consumer credit contract before the term sets is researched, with view to the practice of the Court of the European Union according to referred preliminary rulings.

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