Legal Status and Competence of the employees of the Registry Agency Cover Image

Статут и правомощия на служителите от Агенцията по вписванията
Legal Status and Competence of the employees of the Registry Agency

Author(s): Pirin Sokolov
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
Published by: Институт за държавата и правото - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Registry Agency; District Courts; Administrativе Legal System; Certificates

Summary/Abstract: The creation of the Registry Agency as a new institution is done by moving to it the 112 Registry Offices at the District Courts. The linking of data sets in the registers administered by the Registry Agency with the single information registers within the European Union on the one hand and their proper exploitation on the other. The responsibilities of the Registry Agency should be significantly increased and legislatively backed up.

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