Assortment policy analysis is the profitable work basis of the enterprise Cover Image

Анализ ассортиментной политики – основа прибыльной работы предприятия
Assortment policy analysis is the profitable work basis of the enterprise

Author(s): Olga Lygina
Subject(s): Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Keywords: production program; assortment policy; products; profit; costs; cost

Summary/Abstract: Economic downfall of Kazakhstan’s companies demands the finding and usingof intraproductive stock of every unit of enterprise. Internal self-sufficiency providessignificant cost savings by exposure of company’s secret and obvious reserves; findthe optimization of the numerical professional composition of labor collectives;improve the quality of the existing regulatory framework, and therefore plan andaccounting and control work for the implementation of self-supporting assignments.Factor analysis produced on the basis of indicators of self-supporting tasks willensure the production of products in demand by the market in the right quantitiesand expansion of its range.Purpose. To perform the detailed analysis of the assortment strategy conformity ofthe enterprise to the realities and needs of potential consumers. To provide the profitableoperation of the enterprise with the more possibilities of using production capacities.Methods. Comparative analysis of the performance of production tasks withthe identification of problem areas and loss-making of certain areas, the balancemethod is applied taking into account the completion of the production program tothe paragraph and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implemented program, theabstract logical method using the logical construction of scientific research.Results. The article shows reasonably the correlation in the profit share of thevolume of output, its price and cost by carrying out factor analysis which will allowthe enterprise to clearly determine whereon there should be paid attention to theenterprise while planning its assortment policy for each commodity item. The listof groups of goods and products necessary for increasing the volume of productionas well as those commodity groups that are recommended for exclusion from theproduction program is defined. Presented and calculated variants of additions totypes and varieties of products to expand the range of products to achieve a greatershare of profit by the enterprise.

  • Issue Year: 40/2019
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 127-148
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Russian
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