Physical treatment in out-patient physiotherapy in case of persons 50+ with degenerative changes of a spine Cover Image

Zabiegi fizykalne w fizjoterapii ambulatoryjnej u osób 50+ ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi kręgosłupa
Physical treatment in out-patient physiotherapy in case of persons 50+ with degenerative changes of a spine

Author(s): Mirosława Sidor, Zofia Kubińska
Subject(s): Health and medicine and law
Published by: Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Keywords: physiotherapy; physical treatments; spine degenerative disease; elderly persons

Summary/Abstract: Objective of the work: The objective of the work was to present diverse physical treatments within the therapy of degenerative changes of a spine among the tested 50+ patients. A diversity and frequency of assigning physical treatments has been depicted taking into consideration gender of the tested elderly persons. Material and method: an analysis of doctor’s referrals for physical treatments in out-patient treatments of degenerative disease of spine among elderly persons. Results: Based on the analysis of doctor’s referrals it was indicated that out of 150 doctor’s referrals issued for treatments at the Health and Rehabilitation Centre in Biała Podlaska 100 concerned female patients, while 50 concerned males. The majority of the tested women and men reside in the city and only some of them are persons residing in the countryside. It was noted that the most frequently recommended by the doctors physical treatment was laser therapy (22,8%) followed by ultrasound (18,5%) TENS stimulation (14,4%). Significantly less frequently recommended treatments were diadynamic currents and interference currents which constituted 9,7% as well as magnetic field (9,3%). Among the remaining treatments the following were recommended at the level of 4%: therapuls, electrophoresis and Traebert’s currents. The smallest volume of ophysiotherapeutic treatments was represented by such treatments as: cryotherapy, diathermy, stimulation, iontophoresis which constituted 1%. Results: It was indicated that significantly more women than men take advantage of out-patient physiotherapy. Most popular treatments include laser therapy, ultrasounds and Tens stimulation.

  • Issue Year: 10/2016
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 67-72
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Polish
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