Some Principles of Criminal Prosecution of Legal Entities in the Slovak Republic Cover Image

K niektorých zásadám trestného stíhania právnických osôb v Slovenskej republike
Some Principles of Criminal Prosecution of Legal Entities in the Slovak Republic

Author(s): Ivan Šimovček
Subject(s): Criminal Law
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Criminal Liability of Legal Persons; ne bis in idem Principle; the Principle of Criminal Prosecution of a Legal Person.

Summary/Abstract: The author deals with the issue of the principles of criminal prosecution of legal persons, which guarantee its legality. The principles set out in the procedural provisions of the Criminal Liability Act regulate the principles of criminal prosecution of legal persons only very broadly and in a framework and the law relies fully on the individual procedural principles contained in the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code. The supposed interpretation and application problems associated with criminal prosecution of legal entities will undoubtedly trigger the need in the future for a more detailed adjustment of the procedural principles of criminal prosecution of legal entities, especially the opening of criminal prosecution and evidencing of criminal offenses.

  • Issue Year: 26/2018
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 61-70
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Slovak
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