Social support and aggressive behaviours of secondary-school youth, with considerations for gender and age of the examined group Cover Image

Wsparcie społeczne a zachowania agresywne młodzieży ponadgimnazjalnej z uwzględnieniem płci oraz wieku badanej grupy
Social support and aggressive behaviours of secondary-school youth, with considerations for gender and age of the examined group

Author(s): Anna Ławnik, Ludmiła Marcinowicz, Adam Szepeluk
Subject(s): School education, Studies in violence and power
Published by: Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Keywords: manifestations of aggression; dimensions of social support; adolescence

Summary/Abstract: Introduction. Social support is a process in which a person tries to satisfy the needs of another person, resulting in this person’s feeling liked, loved, respected and valued. Aggressive behaviours are intended to cause physical and moral harm to other people as well as cause them to lose socially appreciated values, inflict physical or moral pain upon another human being. Material and methods. The research was carried out among secondary school students from Biała Podlaska District, in Lublin Province. The research was carried out using the random questionnaire survey technique supervised by the author of the work. Results. General aggression among women was related to support of self-esteem in a statistically significant way. The level of general aggression among men was significantly influenced by the support of the sense of value and general social support. No difference was demonstrated between social support and general aggression among respondents aged 19-21. General aggression of youth aged 18 was related to the level of financial support and general social support. Conclusions. The sense of social support differentiates secondary-school youth with various levels of social support in the scope of aggressive behaviour; differentiation is more accented with respect to gender than age division.

  • Issue Year: 12/2018
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 47-54
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Polish
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