Economic, Social and Political Structures on the Territory of the Odrysian Kingdom in Thrace (5th – first half of the 3rd century BC)
Economic, Social and Political Structures on the Territory of the Odrysian Kingdom in Thrace (5th – first half of the 3rd century BC)
Author(s): Kamen D. DimitrovSubject(s): History
Published by: Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология - Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: When specifying the historical development of the Thracian lands in Antiquity one should consider not only the presence of the basic structures in their pure form, but rather their co-existence and mutual interference. Thrace was recognized as a land of “contact zones” long time ago. From this point of view Thracian history in general, and particularly that of the Odrysian Kingdom and the later Hellenistic states on its territory, should be understood as a history of various interactions of ethnicities, economies, societies, politics and mentalities. The centers of similar interactions were no doubt the cities, either founded or conquered by the Kingdom, or neighboring and partnering with it. In the context of similar considerations urbanism no doubt played a decisive role in the history of the Odrysian lands and thus deserves a special place in our study.
Journal: ORPHEUS. Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies
- Issue Year: 2011
- Issue No: 18
- Page Range: 4-24
- Page Count: 20
- Language: English