People with Disabilities in the Reformed Churches of Sf. Gheorghe Cover Image

Fogyatékkal élő személyek a sepsiszentgyörgyi református gyülekezetekben
People with Disabilities in the Reformed Churches of Sf. Gheorghe

Author(s): Péter Makkai
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
Published by: Erdélyi Református Egyházkerület
Keywords: people with disabilities; the attitude of reformed communities towards people with disabilities

Summary/Abstract: In the current study we present the conclusions of a research conducted in 2012 investigating the attitude of Reformed communities in Sf. Gheorghe towards people with disabilities. It is obvious that Reformed congregations are insufficiently informed about the situation and the possibilities of people living with disabilities. Disabled people are absent from the congregations and their integration into the community is still a problem to be solved. By presenting the current regrettable situation, we would like to sensitise the Reformed congregations and en-courage them to take initiatives for the amelioration of the situation.

  • Issue Year: 107/2014
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 263-277
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Hungarian
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