Artysty (nie)łatwe początki. Z dziejów recepcji przedwojennej twórczości Adolfa Rudnickiego
An artist (not)easy beginnings. From the history of the reception of the pre-war work of Adolf Rudnicki
Author(s): Gaweł JanikSubject(s): Polish Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie
Keywords: Adolf Rudnicki; reception; interwar period; Jews
Summary/Abstract: The following article aims to show complete reception of the interwar works of Adolf Rudnicki. The author of the sketch, starting from the repeated by literary scholars argument, that Rudnicki has been a favorite of reviewers since his debut, presents comments about subsequent books of the author, from the Polish press of the thirties. There emerges a completely different image of critics’ relation to Rudnicki’s work, than the one, which was created by the literary scholars so far. The position that the author occupied in the literary world appears to be much less privileged than it has been said so far.
Journal: Studia de Cultura
- Issue Year: 10/2018
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 40-54
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish