The Appellative Element in the Model Interpretation of the Living Personal Names in Paprad Cover Image

Apelatívny člen v modelovej interpretácii živých osobných mien v Papradi
The Appellative Element in the Model Interpretation of the Living Personal Names in Paprad

Author(s): Miroslav Kazík
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Ústav pro jazyk český
Keywords: onomastics; living personal names; Paprad

Summary/Abstract: This paper reports the characteristics of the appellative element in living personal names (unofficial anthroponyms) in Paprad, which is solitary-cottages part of the town Stará Turá (western Slovakia). The appellative element expresses: 1. filiation – husband (manžel, muš), son (sin), sons (sinovja), twins (dvojčátka), brother (brat), son-in-law (zat), wife (žena, manželka), widow (vdova), daughter (céra, cérka), daughters (céri, cérki), grandson (vnuk), grandsons (vnuci), granddaughter (vnučka), grandmother (bapka), sister (sestra), daughter-in-law (nevesta), but also grandson in possessive adjective (vnukova – A3), 2. classification of generation – junior (mladí, mlaččí, malí, mladá), senior (stará), but also junior in genitive (mladého – A1, mlaččieho – A3, mladej – A33), 3. address of (older) person – uncle (ujco), Mrs (paňi/pani), aunt (teta, tetka), grandmother (bapka), but also appellative element Mrs (Lady) (pani – A11) in genitive, which is not declined.

  • Issue Year: LIV/2013
  • Issue No: 54
  • Page Range: 101-107
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Slovak
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