Fortified Church in Agnita. Archaeological researches. I Cover Image

Biserica Fortificată din Agnita. Cercetări arheologice, I
Fortified Church in Agnita. Archaeological researches. I

Author(s): Maria Crîngaci Țiplic, Ioan-Marian Țiplic, N. Adrian Şovrea
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Middle Ages
Published by: Editura Universitatii LUCIAN BLAGA din Sibiu
Keywords: metal detection; archaeology; medieval sword; metal restauration; Transylvania;

Summary/Abstract: The archaeological researches carried out during March-April 2018 at theensemble of the Fortified Church in Agnita were carried out as a result of itsinclusion in the restoration project financed by European funds “Repairs,preservation and introduction to the tourist circuit at the Agnita fortified churchensemble”. The team of archaeologists consisted of Ioan Marian Ţiplic, MariaCrîngaci Ţiplic and Adrian Şovrea, representing two institutions: “Lucian Blaga”University of Sibiu and Institut of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sibiu. Thearchaeological research aimed at obtaining preliminary archaeological data inorder to sustain the restoration project, and three archaeological units outside themonument (C 1, C 2 and C 4 - fig.15) and one inside it C 3 (fig.15) were carried out.This research represents the first archaeological approach, taking into account thegeneral excavation plan that will be implemented with the start of the actualrestoration activities. The preliminary archaeological research carried out at theFortified Church in Agnita has identified various stages of the church's constructionand reconstruction. The earliest stage is a Romanesque church of basilica, with atower on the west covered by collaterals. Further researches which will be carriedout in near future will have the possibility to bring new evidence about the history ofthe monument.

  • Issue Year: 2018
  • Issue No: XV
  • Page Range: 53 - 79
  • Page Count: 27
  • Language: Romanian
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