Wszystkie elementy narracji, czyli wypowiedź literacka według Gastona Bachelarda
All Elements of Narration, or the Literary Statement According to Gaston Bachelard
Author(s): Kamila MorawskaSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Gaston Bachelard;image;literature
Summary/Abstract: In his capacity as a “philosopher of poetry” Bachelard rehabilitated imagination and its images while intending to demonstrate the positive value of imagery in the poeticoneiric domain. He presented an original conception of literary creativity as a creative revival of the constant archetype/creative variation on the theme of the unchanging matrix for images. By making original use of the discoveries of psychoanalysis and phenomenology he proposed the conception of “archetypical images” and the “ontology of the imaginary”. More, thanks to the application of those methods he discovered the natural and dynamic contents of the image. As a result of those analyses it is possible to discover in Bachelardisme a definition of an image as a combination of the archetypical forms of the unconscious, which belong to the subject together with an already independent material substantiality of the perceived outer world (the symbolic of the four elements of Nature: fire, water, air, and earth). One should, however, not forget the subject – the “dreamer of words” (rêveur de mots) – who finalises the verbal-iconic process. His “novelty” (nouveauté) is of enormous significance as the one that synthesises the function of creative imagination.
Journal: Konteksty
- Issue Year: 323/2018
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 32-40
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Polish