

Author(s): İsa Demirkol, Selami Özcan
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Communication studies
Published by: Sakarya üniversitesi
Keywords: Industry 4.0; Call Services; Industrial Revolutions;

Summary/Abstract: The first industrial revolution, the Industry 1.0, with the discovery of steam and the use of machines, was realized by switching from agricultural economy at the end of the century 18. The Industry 2.0 is believed to have started with the Fordist production system, where Henry Ford adopted mass production for car assembly. Although this period is the beginning of mass production, it covers the period until the end of 1960s. The Industry 3.0 has shown itself with developments in electronic and information Technologies since the beginning of the 1970s. In this era, machines using digital technology was replaced with the ones using mechanical and electronic technology in production. Computer and internet have developed rapidly thanks to digital technology and the use of information processing, communication and micro-electronic techniques has become widespread. In 2011, the Industry 4.0 was expressed for the first time at Hannover Fair. Experts attending this fair stated that the modern face of the IT age has brought a whole new dimension to the production processes and that a new industrial revolution was taking place. The technological factors of the industry that will shape the industrial production of the future includes three-dimensional (3D) printers, the Internet of objects, -smart factories, cyber-physical systems, big data, autonomous robots, simulation, system integration, cloud computing and increased facts are grouped under ten groups.The Industry 4.0 that brings information and production technologies together defines a period in communication of devices and machines with each other and to be able to exchange data. Call centers are considered as one of the services that was emerged as a result of the expansion of outsourcing in the service sector with the developments in information and Communication Technology. In this respect, Call Centers, which are the most important contact points established with customers, are among the sectors that follow and are affected by the Industry 4.0. In this study, the relationship between the Industry 4.0 and call services are examined and evaluated in relation to the employees, managers and customers of the Industry 4.0.In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship of call services with the units related to the Industry 4.0. The population of this study is composed of call centers in Istanbul. In this study, simple random sampling method was employed. The sample consists of 114 employees. The survey method was used for study. In the first part of the survey, there are statements about the demographic characteristics of the participants. In the second part, there are statements about Industry 4.0 in the call services category. A five-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 5= strongly agree) was used to measure the statements. SPSS 17.0 Windows package program was used during the evaluation of survey forms.Cronbach alpha values were checked for the reliability of the scales before the data was analyzed. Cronbach alpha value was 0,76 and this indicates that scales are quite reliable as it is greater than 0,7.The following hypothesis were developed to address the aim of the study.H1: There is a relationship between the Industrial 4.0 applications and employee satisfaction.H2: There is a relationship between the Industrial 4.0 applications and customer satisfaction.H3: There is a relationship between the Industrial 4.0 applications and solving customer problems.H4: There is a relationship between the Industrial 4.0 applications and the behavior of managers.H5: There is a relationship between the Industrial 4.0 applications and teamwork.H6: There is a relationship between the Industrial 4.0 applications and operating environment.The results show that 44.7 % of the survey participants are male and 55.3 % are female. Age distribution was seem to be intense in the age range of 18-25 (58,8 %) and the majority of the participants are married with 72,8 %.Examining educational status, a large majority of the participants, such as 64,0 % shows that they are graduates from high school. Elementary school graduates are only two (1,8 %). 17,5 % of the other participants are associate degree graduates, %14 are license graduates, 2,7% are master’s/doctorate degree graduates.When the hypothesis are examined in detail;The relationship between employee satisfaction and Industry 4.0 is statistically meaningful and positive. A high level of relationship between the satisfaction of the employees and the Industry 4.0 (r=0,651) was determined and therefore the H1 hypothesis was accepted.A positive-orientation relationship (r=0,426) was determined between the satisfaction of the customers and the Industry 4.0, and H2 hypothesis was accepted as statically significant. Customer satisfaction is considered a satisfactory development for Industry 4.0. Solving customers problems and the relationship between Industry is meaningful, positive and weak (r=0,188). Therefore, the H3 hypothesis is accepted in this direction.The relationship between the behaviors of managers and the Industry 4.0 is significant and this relationship is positive. The relationship level is moderate (r=0,147). The H4 hypothesis is accepted because it is related in statistical direction.The relationship between teamwork and Industry 4.0 was positively and moderately determined (r=0,426) and this relationship is statistically significant, the H5 hypothesis was accepted.The relationship between the working environment and the Industry 4.0 is statistically significant. This relationship is positive. The relationship-level is moderate (r=0,147). Therefore, the H5 hypothesis was accepted.In conclusion, the findings of this study indicate that call centers should invest more in Industry 4.0 applications to achieve both employee and customer satisfaction. Future research should focus on developing the scales that were used in this study. Also, a research can be conducted on managers, employees and business owners separately to see the differences in their attitudes.

  • Issue Year: 6/2018
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 273-294
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Turkish
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