Wpływ dużych firm sektora nowoczesnych usług biznesowych na innowacyjność mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw – analiza na przykładzie województwa zachodniopomorskiego
The Impact of Big Companies from the Modern Business Services Sector on the Innovativeness of Micro-, Small- and Medium Enterprises – Study Based on the West Pomerania Voivodeship
Author(s): Piotr Niedzielski, Jordan Klimek, Katarzyna ŁobaczSubject(s): Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie
Keywords: centres of services; knowledge spillovers; micro-, small- and medium enterprises; sector of modern business services;
Summary/Abstract: Discussion about the role of this sector in regional economies, though alive, is still based on residual arguments, ignoring many effects which are associated with the existence of service centres in regional economies. This article aims to add some more arguments to that discussion, by presenting external effects generated by multinational service centers, which spills over to regional economy and affect business behaviours of small and medium enterprises. In particular, the innovativeness of MSMEs under the impact of these service centres is analysed. Conducted analysis allows to conclude that the development of modern business services has a positive impact on the accumulation of knowledge in a region and allows local entities to make use of that knowledge. It provides evidence that small companies using knowledge gained through the transfer (e.g. through the transfer of people) from the companies from the sector of modern business services achieve statistically better results in terms of innovation than those, who do not use that knowledge. This applies to both knowledge related to human capital, as well as physical capital, which is transferred through direct and indirect transfer channels, including agency and linkages. The analysis has been conducted based on quantitative data obtained from the research on the representative sample of small and medium firms located in the West Pomerania Voivodeship.
Journal: Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
- Issue Year: 32/2018
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 38-53
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish