Narration. A New Scientific Perspective in Humanities? Cover Image

Narracja. Nowa perspektywa w nauce?
Narration. A New Scientific Perspective in Humanities?

Author(s): Tadeusz Borkowski
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: Narration; methodology of social science; precise definition; deliberate expression; categorization;

Summary/Abstract: RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to find a scientifically, well grounded answer to often asked questions and doubts about the necessity of using the narration as a notion in humanities. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is, if the use of narration as a notion creates new theoretical and/or methodological perspectives in humanities. To answer this question a logical and critical analysis were used based on the methodology of social science. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argumentation is divided into three parts. In the first one, there is a short review of how the notion of narration is defined in literary studies, linguistics, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, marketing, history and journalism. In the second part, on the ground that a common definition of the above mentioned scientific disciplines is vague, therefore, unhelpful hence various possibilities of precise categorization have been indicated. In the third part, it was proven that previous attempts to implement the notion to the scientific language does not prevent methodological problems of humanities. RESEARCH RESULTS: Basing on the above mentioned analysis one can state that the notion of narration could be useful for social science and humanities provided that a precise definition would be made e.g. narration is a deliberate statement which aims to convince the recipient/viewer to the way of thinking, behavior, lifestyle determined by the narrator, in other words narration is a means of achieving an intended social purpose. It is not a fake news nor post truth. Neither a simple story. CONCLUSIONS INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The findings are as follows: • There are different concepts of the notion of narration appearing in various disciplines of social science. Any attempt to formulate a common definition ends with such a general proposal that is not suitable for scientific research. • According to the Author, a possible solution could be the use of adjective narrations e.g. economical, theological, political or historical narration, etc. This is a categorization based on the content. • Another categorization suggest psychiatry and psychology description of narration: a narrative articulated verbally or mentally. There are many other possibilities of categorization. • The narration as a notion plays different roles. It can be: a. an object of research, b. a tool of research. • Author proposes more precised definition of narration: it is a verbal representation of reality that aims to convince the receipient to the way of thinking, behavior, life style determined by the narrator. It is not a fake news, a post truth nor other kind of a verbal manipulation. • The author doubts if the proposed definition will be accepted, because as the history of social science shows, some scholars prefer creation of new notions to research and analysis which are more difficult and time consuming. On top of that, in social science there is more and less popular fashion to use certain concepts.

  • Issue Year: 17/2018
  • Issue No: 42
  • Page Range: 147-158
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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