Increase in the Completed Cohort Fertility of High-Educated Women – A Focus in the Creation of Population Policy in Serbia Cover Image

Пораст завршног фертилитета код високообразованих жена: фокус у креирању популационе политике у србији
Increase in the Completed Cohort Fertility of High-Educated Women – A Focus in the Creation of Population Policy in Serbia

Author(s): Natalija Mirić
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Demography and human biology
Published by: Матица српска
Keywords: completed cohort fertility; high-educated women; population policy; Serbia

Summary/Abstract: Considering the recorded increase in the completed cohort fertility of high-educated women in the period 1991–2011, the aim of this paper is to indicate how many changes in the parity progression ratios contribute to this change. Using decomposition method based on population censuses 1991 and 2011, author decomposes the change in completed cohort fertility among high-educated women above reproductive age. The results show that the change in completed cohort fertility was mostly driven by increases in progression ratios to the first and the second birth. Given that there is a growing tendency to motherhood, but that it stops on one child (possibly two children), it can be said that the focus of population policy should be to facilitate decision making about entering into parenting.

  • Issue Year: 2018
  • Issue No: 167
  • Page Range: 409-419
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Serbian
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