Cyborg Manifestos: Avant-garde Vision of Female and Machine Fusion (Hannah Höch — Giannina Censi — Mina Harker) Cover Image

Manifesty cyborgów: awangardowa wizja fuzji kobiety z maszyną (Hannah Höch — Giannina Censi — Mina Harker)
Cyborg Manifestos: Avant-garde Vision of Female and Machine Fusion (Hannah Höch — Giannina Censi — Mina Harker)

Author(s): Mikołaj Marcela
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: cyborg; feminism; female; dadaism; futurism

Summary/Abstract: In Cyborg Manifesto Donna Haraway writes: “cyborgs (…) make very problematic thestatuses of man or woman, human, artefact, member of a race, individual entity, or body”.This paper returns to the very beginning of thinking about this figure and examines thefirst protocyborg images created by Futurist and Dada female artists. I also look at Dracula’sMina Harker as one of the first Western protocyborg figures. I ask to what extent suchimages anticipated the new forms of subjectivity and how they made the relation betweenhuman-nature and human-technology problematic as well as thinking in categories ofgender.

  • Issue Year: 61/2018
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 63-73
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Polish
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