The additional appellation of gentry with suffix -ski in starosty district of Grabowiec in 16th century Cover Image

Określenia dodatkowe szlachty z sufiksem -ski w starostwie grabowieckim w XVI wieku
The additional appellation of gentry with suffix -ski in starosty district of Grabowiec in 16th century

Author(s): Marek Olejnik
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: onomastics; anthroponymy; starosty district of Grabowiec; Polish – East Slavic borderland; gentry

Summary/Abstract: The 16th century additional appellation (OD) of gentry in starosty district ofGrabowiec have been analyzed in the article. The source database used in the articlecontains the municipal books of Grabowiec from 16th century. On the base ofanalyzed material it can be concluded that gentry antroponyms with suffix -ski havetwo-piece form (name and surname). Analytical forms applied in gentry naming areaddition which had a task to differentiate individual units of expanding gentryfamilies. In the presented material prepositional phrases appear next to syntheticterms.

  • Issue Year: 2018
  • Issue No: 11
  • Page Range: 281-296
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Polish
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