A Contrastive Approach to Adverbs of Place in Modern Greek and Serbian Language Cover Image

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A Contrastive Approach to Adverbs of Place in Modern Greek and Serbian Language

Author(s): Panagiotis Asimopoulos
Subject(s): Lexis, South Slavic Languages
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: adverbs of place; Greek; Serbian; Farewell Anatolia

Summary/Abstract: Within the systematic study of the morpho-semantic relations and especially in accordance with the fundamental parameters of Contrastive Linguistics the main topic of this research is the comparative consideration of adverbs in two unrelated languages, id est in Greek and Serbian. From this point of view in the paper we analyze the Greek adverbs of place and their translation equivalents in Serbian. For the studying of the major similarities and the basic differences in the spatial relations that are recorded by adverbs in these two Balkan languages, we served a corpus of literature that totally consists of 243 examples for 46 particular adverbs. The original text belongs to the famous Greek novel Farewell Anatolia (author Dido Sotiriou) and its published Serbian translation “Земља натопљена крвљу” (translation by Gaga Rosich). After the introductory section that provides relevant theoretical elements related to the adverbials of place in both languages, the central part of the respective study refers to a comprehensive analysis of the selected examples and a statistical processing of their translation equivalents.The access to the comparison is primarily of synchronic character and it is based on the analysis of the excerpted material. As far as the methodological framework concerns the bilateral method of systemic-functional comparisons, it means the method of Contrastive analysis has been applied. In the last part of the paper we present the general conclusions about the clear tendencies relating to the advancement of the teaching process of Greek or Serbian as a foreign language.

  • Issue Year: 7/2017
  • Issue No: 7
  • Page Range: 127-147
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Serbian
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