Applications of the InterCorp parallel corpus in Czech-Polish translation lexicography Cover Image

Možnosti využití korpusu InterCorp v česko-polské překladové lexikografii
Applications of the InterCorp parallel corpus in Czech-Polish translation lexicography

Author(s): Andrzej Charciarek
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Filozofická fakulta, Vydavatelství
Keywords: corpus linguistics; InterCorp; translation lexicography; phrasemes; Czech; Polish; korpusová lingvistika; InterCorp; překladová lexikografie; frazémy; čeština; polština

Summary/Abstract: The article is devoted to applications of the InterCorp parallel corpus in Czech-Polish translation lexicography.Selected phrasemes exemplify possibilities of using a parallel corpus to identify translationcounterparts. The examples provided in the article indicate various kinds of limitations whichmight cause problems in establishing reciprocal equivalence of Polish and Czech phrasemes. Thearticle also describes some advantages and disadvantages of using subtitles, which are well representedin InterCorp, in the process of establishing equivalence.The author used selected phrasemes from Wielki czesko-polski słownik frazeologiczny (Great CzechPolishPhraseological Dictionary), compiled by traditional means without reference to a corpus, asa starting point for the analysis, which demonstrated the value of corpus-based material and toolsfor creating dictionary entries.The article is a contribution to theoretical research into contemporary directions in the developmentof translation lexicography.

  • Issue Year: 100/2018
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 206-222
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Czech
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