Praca wychowawcy w środowiskach defaworyzowanych społecznie. Implikacje pedagogiczne na podstawie badań własnych
Educator’s work in socially disfavoured backgroungs. Pedagogical implications on the basis of own research
Author(s): Michalina KasprzakSubject(s): Education, Evaluation research, Sociology of Education
Published by: Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Keywords: non-formal education; child; pedagogical implications; socially disfavoured backgroungs;
Summary/Abstract: The main aim of this publication is to present the actions of educators who works in local-day support institutions (e.g. common centers, environmental centers) and the importance of their actions in the context of the development of pupils. Children and adolescents who benefit from these institutions usually come from socially disfavoured backgrounds (it means, from families at risk of marginalization or social exclusion, or families already socially excluded due to social problems, poverty and extreme poverty, educational failures etc.). Theses and conclusions in this article have been presented mainly on the basis of the observational part of the research conducted by the author in the institutions in Poznań and Tarragona.
Journal: Podstawy Edukacji
- Issue Year: 2017
- Issue No: 10
- Page Range: 183-195
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Polish