Features of continuous learning of symphony orchestra performers Cover Image

Simfoninio orkestro atlikėjų tęstinio mokymosi ypatumai
Features of continuous learning of symphony orchestra performers

Author(s): Mantas Lunskys, Daiva Bukantaitė
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: simfoninis orchestras; kvalifikacijos tobulinimas; a symphony orchestra; continuous learning;

Summary/Abstract: Siekiant, kad simfoninis orkestras gebėtų atlikti įvairius muzikos kūrinius, jame turi groti profesionalūs, nuolat besitobulinantys atlikėjai. Simfoniniame orkestre nėra kvalifikacijos tobulinimo politikos, tačiau konkurencija ir atlikėjo darbo specifika užtikrina tęstinio mokymosi būtinumą, kuris išryškėja kaip individualus ir grupinis naujų kūrinių mokymasis, darbas su skirtingais dirigen-tais, dalyvavimas meistriškumo pamokose, stažuotėse, darbas su korepetitoriais, solinis atlikimas, pedagoginė veikla, dalyvavi-mas vasaros stovyklose. A symphony orchestra in musical culture has a possibility to perform pieces of music of high technical and artistic level, is able to interpret music of different composers diversely and at a high artistic level but it asks for continuous improvement of qualification. Problematic of continuous learning of the symphony orchestra musicians is manifested in the way that any changes of more perfect performance of the symphony orchestra can be achieved at all without the performer’s professional perfection. A subject of this research paper is continuous learning of the symphony orchestra musicians. Aim of this research paper is to specify continuous learning of symphony orchestra performers. The research paper reveals that a symphony orchestra is a collective with a large group of musicians who play together on various instruments. An orchestra consists of four families of instruments. A symphony orchestra is characterized by rich diversity of musical sound timbres that can convey different states of reality in a very expressive manner – starting from images of nature and life events and ending with the smallest nuances of human experiences. The musician’s career possibilities depend on the performer’s individual perfection and successful choice of the activity direction. Upon planning their careers, musicians are obliged to estimate their musical abilities and objectives, to relate realization of their career with a sym-phony orchestra, to estimate the career possibilities in the orchestra, and to draw a career line (a performer, concertmaster and soloist). It were specified such traits of continuous learning of symphony orchestra performers: individual work, team work, traineeships abroad, mastery courses, summer camps, solo activity, pedagogical activity, visiting the tutors, performing new pieces of music and work with continuously changing conductors. The musician’s career is singled out in the model of the musician’s qualification, namely: a performer, concertmaster, and soloist.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 22
  • Page Range: 20-31
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Lithuanian
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