Nastolatek z zespołem Aspergera w szkole ogólnodostępnej. Wskazówki metodyczne do pracy nauczyciela polonisty
Teenager with Asperger Syndrome in a mainstream school. Work method tips for Polish teachers
Author(s): Iwona Skrzypczyk-GałkowskaSubject(s): Education, Sociology
Published by: Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Keywords: nastolatek z zespołem Aspergera;metodyka języka polskiego;szkoła ponadgimnazjalna (ponadpodstawowa).
Summary/Abstract: The article presents suggestions of forms and methods of working with a student with Asperger’s Syndrome during Polish lessons in high school (post-primary school). The reason the author brings up this issue is due to the significant lack of methodological guides for teachers working with old-er students with Asperger’s Syndrome. This information gap seems to require supplementing, as proven by the author. To this end, she refers to the contents of the core cirriculum required of the student with Asperger’s Syndrome in high school and juxtaposes it with the developmental disor-ders of such a student, through which she shows the necessity to offer methodological support to Polish teachers teaching such teenagers. In connection with this the author presents her own select ideas for working with students with Asperger’s Syndrome on poetry, longer literary texts and nonliterary texts. She proposes a few self-tested gimmicks that potentiate the motivation and inter-est of the student in the subject, as well as help focus their attention. The depicted methods are meant to properly prepare the student with Asperger’s Syndrome for their Matura Exam which the author briefly describes.
Journal: Pedagogika. Studia i Rozprawy
- Issue Year: 1/2018
- Issue No: 27
- Page Range: 271-284
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish