Terminological Syntagms in Russian Computer Terminology and Their Serbian Translation Equivalents Cover Image

Терминолошке синтагме у руској компјутерској терминологији и преводни српски еквиваленти
Terminological Syntagms in Russian Computer Terminology and Their Serbian Translation Equivalents

Author(s): Dejan Marković
Subject(s): Eastern Slavic Languages, School education, Philology
Published by: Универзитет у Нишу
Keywords: access to written information; assistive devices; blind; low vision; education

Summary/Abstract: The focus of this paper is syntactic derivation, that is, using syntagms to denote a scientific concept in Russian computer terminology. We studied two-part and multi-part Russian terminological syntagms and the models according to which they are formed. The most productive structural part of these two-part terms in Russian and Serbian is the structure adjective + noun: звуковая плата // or in Serbian, zvučna karta. In the studied corpus we also found multi-part terms, but terms consisting of more than four constituents are not very frequent. The terms in Russian are more concise compared to those in Serbian, in the following cases: compound words whose Serbian translational equivalents are terminological syntagms (in Russian жидкокристаллический индикатор // in Serbian displej na bazi tečnih kristala); the genitive case in Russian, a prepositional phrase in Serbian за + accusative case and sa + instrumental (in Russian устройство лазерной печати // in Serbian uređaj za laserskoštampanje); when abbreviations are used (for example, ЖК instead of жидкокристаллический). On the other hand, certain terms in Serbian are more concise compared to those in Russian because terms in Russian are precise definitions of a certain concept (in Russian манипулятор типа мышь  in Serbian miš), syntagms (in Russian интегральная схема  in Serbian čip) or because in Serbian the genitive was used instead of the prepositional phrase which was used in Russian: in Russian принтер с большой мощностью печати // in Serbian štampač velike snage.

  • Issue Year: XLII/2018
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 391-400
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Serbian
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