Historical heritage (The reflections after the study and the restoration of a house that is a historical heritage) Cover Image

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Historical heritage (The reflections after the study and the restoration of a house that is a historical heritage)

Author(s): Nina Zlateva, Iliya Borisov
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Archaeology, Cultural history, Architecture, Visual Arts, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Oral history, Social history, Ancient World, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, 18th Century, 19th Century, Sociology of Art
Published by: Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика ОНГЬЛ

Summary/Abstract: The Velyanov house is located in the southwest, not far from the church “The Holy Trinity”, in the ancient neighborhood, in the small, beautiful town Bansko, which more precisely is located in the center of the town. From all the standard and classical descriptions and from its architecture, the house is classified like a typical house from this part of Bulgaria, as a typical house from the Pirin district from the XVIII century. Since the year 1967 the building and its unique mural paintings are announced to be a real monument with National importance.Through the centuries there were numerous and important architectural changes in the house. The authors of the study Nina Zlateva and Iliya Borisov think that in the beginning, The Velyanov house used to be a medieval house with rectangular shape and in its structure there is a two-chamber tomb. There is a proof about the existence of this tomb in the southeastern facade of the Velyanov House, over the frescoes, where there is a built-in stone block that happily survived through the years and it has a carved Runic text all over it. This is not only a proof but also an ancient way to protect the people who used to live in the house.

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