Philosophical and methodological reflection of educational theory as a phenomenon of scientology Cover Image

Философско-методологическая рефлексия педагогической теории как феномена науковедения
Philosophical and methodological reflection of educational theory as a phenomenon of scientology

Author(s): Andrey Vyacheslavovich Korzhuev, Yulia Borisovna Ikrennikova, Eleonora Konstantinovna Nikitina, Elena Leont'evna Ryazanova
Subject(s): Education, Epistemology, Methodology and research technology
Published by: Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет
Keywords: Pedagogical research; Pedagogical theory; Methodology of pedagogy; Methodological reflection; Polyspectra reflection; Problematic format of consideration; Theoretical construction of a character;

Summary/Abstract: Introduction. The problem of the article is addressed to clarify the question of how the content of practical pedagogical knowledge accumulated by the society can be understood from the point of view of an epistemologically correct theoretical scheme, to what extent this scheme itself is now formed in the methodology of pedagogy and what are the immediate prospects for such formation. The aim of the article is to reveal the epistemological coding of the modern state of educational theory as an object of research reflection and the prospects for its further formation. Materials and Methods. Among our research methods, we consider it possible to include: analysis of literature on the topic of the work, a theoretical substantive generalization, heuristic synthesis, the formulation of a hypothesis about the possible content and activity filling the field of reflection of researchers in the field of pedagogy, and a prospectus of further approaches to the study of the problem. Results. The modern initial stage of the theoretical interpretation of pedagogy is identified, the difficulties of which are explained by the polyphony of coding: the object of pedagogy, its fundamental foundations, the rules for deducing consequences from general provisions, the correct implementation of generalizations and analogies, and the methods for carrying out the experiment and identifying experimental confirmation of an experted theory. As the nearest stage in the solution of these problems, the authors design correct theoretical constructs of a restricted nature which must include the following aspects: identifying weak research development of several segments of pedagogical reality, raising hypotheses about the possibility of describing them from the point of view of the positively valuable educational outcome for the learner and the ways of achieving it, finding the criteria for its evaluation and implementing them in a diagnostic format. Conclusions. The presented variant of polyaspect reflection of the results of educational research based on the theoretical scheme covers both retrospective and prospective reflective forms; it also shows all the procedures traditionally indicated by psychologists: stopping, removing, fixing, reviewing, objectifying; allows educational researchers to evaluate their investigations according to scientific norms which achieve a theoretical status. All the theses of the problematic format presented in the article are a possible field of application for beginning researchers.

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