Author(s): Lush CulajSubject(s): History
Published by: Instituti Albanologjik i Prishtinës
Keywords: FAN NOLI ; PROTECTING ALBANIANS ; INTERNATIONAL ARENA ; Theofan Stilian Noli ;Albanian statesman
Summary/Abstract: Theofan Stilian Noli (Fan Noli, January 6, 1882 - March13 1965 SHBA) Albanian statesman, scholar, poet, translator and historian. Fan Noli gave a precious contribution for Albania and national cultural treasure. Despite the results achieved in the process of Albanian state consolidate on during the first half of 1920, by the end of this year acute problem were still remaining waiting for solution. Two relevant problems in the field of foreign policy were particularly laid down: ultimate determination of the borders and confirmation of Albania’s status as an independent state. In order for these possibilities to be used the best possible Albanian government had decided to send to Geneva a special delegation lead by Fan Noli. Albanian Government, by nominating Noli as a leader of Albanian delegation was hoping for a dignified representation of Albanian issue in international arena. Noli had created special reputation with his erudition. Albania’s accession in the League of Nations clarified its selfgovernance and it was a support of sincere goals to respect own international obligations. T most urgent issue for Albanians was legalization of the established situation in Albania by efforts and sacrifices of Albanian population on international aspects. So, the problem of borders that remained unsolved from the Conference of Paris should be solved ultimately. Because of this problem, in which case neighbors in the backstage were working to ensure the change of the borders from 1913 in their favor, dispute with Yugoslavia was becoming unbearable. Despite diplomatic endeavors for normalization of interstate relations, where special merits had also Fan Noli, Albanian government didn’t leave aside protection of the rights of Albanians in the League of Nations. This was national task of any Albanian government. These efforts were the obligations of Fan Noli even after coming on the leading state position as a Prime minister on June 1924. Thus, diplomatic blockade of Albanian state through the League of Nations tried to solve also the prime minister Fan Noli. He, in the quality of the Prime minister, went himself in the Assembly of the League, which started its works on September 1924. It was intended to use the opportunity when main characters of international policy were participating. With him was also Gurakuqi with whom he shared personal friendship. They stayed in Geneva for more then a month and a half respectively till the mid October. Noli raised the request of granting a loan to Albanian Government. However, high reputation Noli had in dignified representation of Albanian issue years before in Geneva now had declined. In the eyes of the League of Nations he was a usurper, while he could not prove legally that he was upheld by the people. Great Powers were not yet ready to recognize him as the head of government.
Journal: Gjurmime Albanologjike - Seria e shkencave historike
- Issue Year: 2011
- Issue No: 41-42
- Page Range: 067-080
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Albanian