Variability of modern political flash mobs (political mobs) Cover Image

Variability of modern political flash mobs (political mobs)

Author(s): Svitala Naumkina, Oleksandra Hruieva
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Aesthetics, Culture and social structure
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: political flash mob (political mob); political actionism; spectacularization of political activism;

Summary/Abstract: The aim of the article is to deepen the theoretical and methodological concepts regarding the essence of political flash mob (political mob) as a spectacular and game-like variety of political actionism, to define the modern types of political mobs. The research methodology is based on: the model of society of spectacle (G. Debord); the simulation model (J. Baudrillard); the individualized society model (Z. Bauman); the model of society of interactive spectacle (S. Best, D. Kellner) etc. The methodology synthesized the theoretical and methodological concepts of symbolic interactionism, postmodernism and post-structuralism. The scientific novelty lies in the author’s original analysis of political mobs as a spectacular and game-like variety of political actionism technology, which consists of one-time or wave-like conduction of short-term dramatized mass actions according to a pre-agreed scenario. Conclusions. The analysis showed that political mob is a spectacular network interaction, performed on the basis of horizontal social communications. The author defined the following features of political mob: non-institutional character; organization through online resources; spectacularity, pronounced game context; chronometricty etc. There are following varieties of modern political mobs: “silent” flash mobs, online flash mobs (i-mob); wave-like relay and others. It is noted that the vast majority of political flash mobs are peaceful in their nature. It is emphasized that in some countries flash mobs are considered equal to protest actions, such as rallies and pickets, therefore their spontaneous self-organization is forbidden.

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