In the illusion of freedom: sources and limits of freedom of expression in the post-war period. (The case of journal Ohňom a perom [With fire and pen]) Cover Image

V ilúzii slobody: zdroje a limity slobody slova v povojnovom období (Prípad ružomberského Ohňom a perom)
In the illusion of freedom: sources and limits of freedom of expression in the post-war period. (The case of journal Ohňom a perom [With fire and pen])

Author(s): Katarína Zavacká
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Nakladatelství Karolinum
Keywords: Slovakia; 1945; Košice government programme; preventive censorship; regional press

Summary/Abstract: In the post-war Czechoslovak government programme, proclaimed in Košice on April 5, 1945, there were incorporated strong limitations on principles of parliamentary democracy, including the elements of preventive censorship. In operation area of the Slovak national uprising, strong local editorial groups emerged since the summer 1944, acquiring common resistance experience while facing the pro-Nazi power. This made them more resistant also to expected subjection to any administrative or political pressure in the early post-war period. Research into selected regional periodicals confirms relatively strong influence of local conditions on general textual content and also on prevailing mood of editorial boards in terms of potential resistance towards censorship. Compared to the Czech lands, censorship in Slovakia operated in a slightly different frame due to post-war reception of particular judicial norms from the war-time Slovak state by the Slovak national council. The local bi-weekly journal Ohňom a perom (With fire and pen), produced by a group of former young anti-Nazi guerrilla fighters of Orava and Liptov region, remains an important source of knowledge of post-war media policy. Writing about everything they considered worth of interest and compensating the lacking editorial experience with devotion to freedom of expression, they chronicled also their own clashes with otherwise invisible preventive censorship.

  • Issue Year: 64/2018
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 103-113
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Slovak
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