A Metatextual Approach To Ionesco’s Dramatic Discourse : The Dialogue With The Literary Tradition Cover Image

Approche Métatextuelle Du Discours Dramatique Ionescien – Le Dialogue Avec La Tradition Littéraire
A Metatextual Approach To Ionesco’s Dramatic Discourse : The Dialogue With The Literary Tradition

Author(s): Adriana Lazar
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Romanian Literature
Keywords: metatextuality; dramatic discourse; Ionesco; critical intertextuality; rewriting;

Summary/Abstract: Literary works are a constant topic of commentary.Literary texts carry specific metalinguistic and metapragmaticelements and require metalinguistic and metapragmatic codesand competences in order to prevent misunderstanding. Ourpaper aims to highlight the reasons for attaching themetatextual label to Eugène Ionesco’s dramatic work.Ionesco’s plays can be viewed as some sort of comment onprevious dramatic texts defying the traditional theatricalconventions. Remarks on literature and art appear all throughhis life : in critical texts, as well as in his characters’statements. Metatextual comment is deeply embedded in theproduction of dramatic text itself and is placed at the naturalconfluence of the playwright and the reader, that is of the onewho writes the plays and the one who watches his writing.

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