The dogma of papal primacy and infalibility in the context of Second vatican council Cover Image

Догматът за главенство и непогрешимост на римския първосвещеник в контекста на Втория ватикански събор
The dogma of papal primacy and infalibility in the context of Second vatican council

Author(s): Plamen Ivanov
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Шуменски университет »Епископ Константин Преславски«
Keywords: Papal infallibility; Lumen gentium; Second Vatican Ecumenical Council; dogmatic constitution

Summary/Abstract: The Second Vatican Council was the most important event in the Roman Catholic Church during the 20th century. The Council made some decisions that changed the basic mass and to some extent approached it the Orthodox. Seen in a dogmatic plan the Second Vatican Council confirmed the decision of the First Vatican Council in reference to Papal infallibility. The Synod of Bishops was established to cooperate the Pope and to advise him on the issues of faith. The final decisions of Catholic Church although voted by the Council were approved only by the Roman pontiff. In this respect, even reformed the Roman Catholic Church did not solve some main issues that constitute an obstacle to the dialogue with the Orthodox Church.

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